School Management Team

We design your training according to your priorities, modules chosen, and the staff you choose for training. How many staff you enrol in training is up to you, but do remember that the faster your entire staff gets up to speed, the sooner you’ll enjoy the benefits. Seven Zillions, Our all-in-one, cloud-based system simplifies every academic and administrative task, creating a smooth and unified experience for students, teachers, . Create comprehensive student profiles that compile academic, financial, and personal data. Seven Zillions  keeps everyone informed and engaged, from teachers and parents to the students themselves.. We offers school management services and full school operation services for charter schools, private schools, corporate-sponsored schools, public schools and districts. From charter board relations to community engagement, Seven Zillions  provides hands-on support with all aspects of school operations. Our unique, fully integrated approach gives school boards, administrators and parents the confidence to move forward with their vision for superior schools. Moreover, our comprehensive services allow us to develop and implement an individual strategic plan for each school we manage.

We handle every aspect from facilities identification and renovation, financial considerations, board governance, marketing and public relations and human resources to curriculum development, enrolment, assessment, and professional development. At Seven Zillions , our ultimate goal and the foundation for everything we do is this: educational excellence.

Marketing, Public Relations and Communications

Seven Zillions dedicated marketing support staff assists in creating and rolling out marketing, public relations and communications plans for each school we manage. Designed to appeal to families, our materials boost student enrolment and retention via high-quality messaging with widespread appeal. We offer schools these services:

  • Enrolment plan development and implementation
  • Specialised branding
  • Marketing training modules and resources
  • School website
  • Community outreach
  • Templates for collateral materials, such as parent letters, surveys, brochures and flyers
  • Special events and programs
  • School communications support

Human Resources 

Seven Zillions  collaborates with each school’s leaders to construct a comprehensive human resources strategy. We manage all aspects of human resources, such as recruitment, certification compliance, payroll and benefits, school board services and regulatory issues. We help  services include:

  • School staffing plans
  • Faculty and staff recruitment and hiring
  • School board and administrator services
  • Payroll and benefits administration
  • Employee record-keeping
  • State retirement reporting
  • Employment policies and manuals
  • School policies and handbooks
  • Government compliance and reporting


Facilities development and management can be a complex aspect of school operations. Most school leaders, parents and other invested parties are not familiar or comfortable with large-scale construction, renovation or facility management. Seven Zillions  is ready to oversee this component at every stage:

  • Site selection and attainment
  • Land-use approvals
  • School design and development
  • Construction management
  • Capital project planning and management, including bond financing
  • Supervision of both routine and major maintenance services
  • Building security
  • Custodial contracts


In today’s wired – and wireless – world, Seven Zillions  provides support for a variety of schools’ technological requirements. From infrastructure and network management to technical support to student systems administration, we make certain that schools we manage have the proper hardware and software required for both educational and business applications. Our schools rely on us for:

  • Classroom and office equipment, hardware and software
  • LAN/WAN installation and network connectivity
  • Site-level tech support and remote troubleshooting
  • Technology maintenance and security
  • Student information system management for truancy, state reporting, etc.

Educational Programming and Staff Development

At the heart of Seven Zillions  management services are educational programming and staff development. While financial considerations, human resources, facility management and technology are all critical to a school’s overall success, student achievement is the essential core component. Seven Zillions  partners with school leaders, administrators and parents to bring to life their vision of strong schools, strong students and a strong future.

Our proven, world-class program differentiates a Seven Zillions  managed school from all others. Seven Zillions  model of education blends eight tenets, or pillars, to give each school its individual character. These pillars are: student achievement, extended learning time, secure environment, professional development, community support, integrated technology, parent involvement and, our proprietary inter-disciplinary curriculum. Moreover, we provide:

  • Curriculum planning and development
  • ParagonTM development and implementation
  • Learning management system administration
  • Accreditation oversight
  • Templates, such as the Personalised Student Achievement Plan (PSAP)
  • Classroom management tools and techniques
  • Performance benchmarks
  • Customised improvement plans
  • Innovative professional development methodology

A school start-up – whether it’s a charter, private or corporate-sponsored school – can be a daunting venture. At Seven Zillions , we understand the process inside and out. We are here to offer our extensive experience to parents, community members, educators and sponsors to ensure complete success. From your initial vision for a thriving and engaging academic community through the exciting first day of school and the ensuing years of continued growth and development, Seven Zillions  will be there as your partner, helping you realise your vision of a school that makes a difference.


Successful schools need sound, safe and inviting facilities to support education at every level. Seven Zillions  offers numerous services from the ground up:

  • Feasibility assessments
  • Site selection and attainment
  • Land-use approvals
  • Facility identification and renovation
  • Construction management


Financial considerations are, of course, paramount to making your vision a reality. Seven Zillions  has the essential expertise to navigate the complexities involved in solid financial management.

  • Capital project planning and management
  • Bond financing
  • Grant writing
  • Ongoing financial support once the school is up and running


People are the heart of a school – parents, community supporters and educators bring life, energy and passion to your original concept of a school that inspires a love for learning in children’s lives. Seven Zillions  will help identify and recruit those individuals who possess the experience and creative vitality necessary to build and grow a thriving school.

  • School board director recruitment
  • School staffing plans
  • Talent acquisition and retention for administrators, faculty and staff
  • Community outreach to empower parents and other involved people
  • Payroll, benefits, etc for staff

Seven Zillions  team of professionals will be there every step of the way to support, encourage, lead and manage all the details of starting a school. We share a common goal: to create and develop unique schools that provide a world-class education for children who will grow to be people of strong character, leaders of integrity and lifelong learners.
